Holly Orbs

Holly Orbs
Created for the North Carolina Arboretum's Holly Garden

Monday, March 5, 2012

Diversify your Marketing

In today's market Diversification in abilities and products can not only keep you alive, but help you to thrive! It is my belief that to stay stagnant, only focusing on "it has worked for me in the past" type of mentality will not only put you at the Bottom of the list, but most likely put you out of business. The businesses that are thriving are the ones that diversify not only their products but their abilities and services.
Take a look at what is happening in the Internet world of Marketing. The choices are unbelievably Diverse! Are you taking advantage of the amazing amount of FREE marketing available to Any business! All you need is an internet connection and time and you can push your business to the next level. Internet marketing is where it's at today! If your not online, if your not Tweeting, Facebooking, Linked up with Linkedin, Blogging, etc. well let's just say that you WILL be left in the dust by those that are.
Marketing on the internet is not hard and you don't have to be a computer Guru to do it. What you do need is time, and plenty of it. Don't have the time? Then hire someone to do it for you, it Will pay for itself ten-fold! At the very least you should be spending 30-60 minutes a day focusing on online marketing. Think it's expensive, Wrong! Most of it is Free! I have over 24 web sites and only pay for one, and all of the Free sites direct traffic back to my paid for site (what do you think This article/blog is for!).
Diversify your marketing plan to include all aspects of your business. As an example I'll use myself. I am a Iron worker fabricator that specializes in custom gates, entrance design and automation, a very brief description, but it works for this. I use sites like Linkedin and Merchant Circle for business to business marketing since I install and service gate operators that a lot of business use. I also install the gates and security devices for gates, so that is what I push there. Just these two site alone drive at least 500 new visitors per month to my site! I use Facebook and Twitter to keep my followers informed on what I'm working on, and on any new projects that might be coming up. You never know when one of your "Friends" or "Followers" might need, or know someone that needs your product or service. I also use Wordpress, Article Niche and Ezine Articles to drive even more traffic to my site. I'm also am a member of several other sites that allow me to post pictures and link back to my web site all for Free! Sound like a lot? It is, but here I am in 2012 thriving in a business the has a very tight Niche, not to mention I live and work in a town with a population of just over 4000.
It has been my internet marketing, article writing, forum discussions and pure Diversity that has kept me alive in a market that has seen Many a businesses go by the way side. And I'm no computer Guru, I just believe in the phrase "You move towards what you focus on" (Anthony Robbins), and I am focused on thriving, not just surviving!

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