Holly Orbs

Holly Orbs
Created for the North Carolina Arboretum's Holly Garden

Saturday, June 23, 2012

In Your Face Help!

Your going to se a lot of “You’s” but bear with me, it will be worth Your while.

Hold on, help is here, if you want it! How many of us are in need of some kind of help? Help with a relationship, help with a financial matter help with Life! All the help you need is right here, and by that I mean You are the source, You have the ability to Help yourself, You are in control of your life...right? Oh, your not in control, really? So you didn't choose to be in that relationship, you didn't choose to buy that house or that car, you didn’t choose the path your life is on? Oh, I see, it’s all someone else’s fault, who, the bank You took out a loan with, the car lot You bought Your car from, the person You decided to have a relationship with? Are You really that weak? No of course you’re not, you’ve just been made to believe that everything that happens to you is because of someone or something else. Well I’m here to be a little in your face, and to tell you to STOP IT! It’s not everyone or everything else that is controlling your life it’s You, all You! I know that may be hard to believe, but think about it, I mean Really think about it. See all the You’s up there^, am I wrong, am I just pulling crap out of a hat, no, you know I’m not, and that’s why you’re still reading!
As hard as it may be to face, the only person that is truly responsible for you is You! Unless you are a minor, unless you are mentally incapable of making decisions, unless you are a victim of an outside source/anomoly, “you are why you are where you are”. Let’s do that again, “You are the Reason that you are where you are in your life”. Do you realize how powerful that statement is? It means that you can change your life by changing your thought process. I’m not talking about religion, unless that is your way of changing your path. I am talking about your mind set, your way of thinking, your belief system. Do you know that if you believe it, you are right, and if you don’t believe it, you are right.
There is a great wisdom in the belief that “You Are What You Think!” What does that mean? It means that if you think you “Can’t” your right, but it also means if you think you “Can” your also right. I’m not saying if you think you can fly off a roof you can, although, the process of falling through the air is a form of flying. But did you think of the end result of falling through the air? At some point there will be a landing, and it is up to you how that landing will be! Will it be a sudden stop that breaks every bone in your body, or will you glide through the air because you have the forethought to know that you need wings to fly! So, where are your wings? Where or how will they carry you to the place you want to be? They are right there, right smack in the middle of your mind!
How many of us have had the opportunity to Fly, to rise above, to be the best we can be, just to have our “Mind” (our selves) tell us that we Can’t, we’ll fail if we try, your not smart enough, your not rich enough, your not, your not! Bullshit! Abraham Lincoln was considered a failure, where would we be to day if he did not become President, Thomas Edison was considered a failure, heck even Elvis Presley was told he couldn't sing, Michael Jordan was cut from his high school team, even Albert Einstein was thought to be mentally handicapped! These and thousands more over came their “Failures” because they believed in Themselves, they believed that they Could do, Could Make, Could achieve the things no one else thought they could. OK, so right about now your thinking, “I’m not Albert Einstein or Michael Jordan”, really, are you sure, how do you know, or better yet why do you Believe that?
Your Belief system, the way that you think about yourself, the things you Think you can or Can’t do, are exactly why You are where you are. You see if you change the way you think, the way you believe, you can change everything and anything you Want to! It’s all in your thoughts. It has been proven that if you believe it to be so, if you have the determination to make it so, it will be so! You see you cant sit around thinking this sucks, this is bad, this is wrong, and not Create a life that Sucks, is bad and wrong! That’s just the way it is! You are what you think, and weather you believe it or not IS relevant, you are what you think you are, and no body has the ability to control your thoughts except You!
Think and believe in good thoughts and good things and good things will happen!
It’s as simple as that. Enjoy your life and your life will enjoy life!
This is all true, more to come, if you’re interested!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Search Engine Optimization for The Small Business

This is for the people that are trying to get a grasp on basic Search Engine Optimization. Do you Know what it is? Do you know how important it is? SEO is the foundation to the web site you are building! Build your site on a week foundation and it Will crumble! Build it on a strong foundation and you will have a site that is Recognized and Found! This is the reason to have a web site in the first place...to be found by the search engines. If your site is on page 10, no one will ever find it! Here I will give some tips that I have learned on how to get your site recognized, and maybe even to show up on Page One!

This information will most likely get a lot of the "Gurus" of SEO mad, because they want you to pay them for this, but I have done it for Free, and so can you! Let me first say that I am not a Website Guru, or anything like that. I am a small business owner that out of necessity has managed to get his site on page one of Google for my key words, and that's out of over 188,000,000 to 48,000,000 (yes that's Millions)! I am also not only on page one for local searches, but my site is there several times on page one! So here is how "I" do it, as a business owner, not a SEO Guru, and it did not cost me anything but time.

Lets start at the beginning, (take notes!) the framework of your site. You must first have a plan, not a business plan or anything like that, but a "Really good" idea of what you want to get out of your web site. Write down what your prospective clients are looking for. This is really easy, just pretend You are a client looking for your product or service, what are you typing into the search engine? Write down the search terms, these will be Keys to getting your business "Found" on the major search engines. The words that you are typing into a search engine are the "Key Words" that get a website found. You will also want to have your text "Content" ready, make sure you include your Key Words in your content, don't go nut's here, just keep in mind that the more times your Key Words are used in your Content, the more relevant your site will be. You can also start to put any of your photos into a separate folder (just for building your site). Make sure your photos are optimized for the Web, it will help with how fast your site Opens! I use a Free program called "PIXresizer" it's fast and FREE!

Your "Key Words", the thing you want your prospective clients to search for is CRITICAL! This is where to start, how will we find you, what will we (the consumer) look for, how will we search for your product or service. Once you have these "Key words", the rest is very methodical.
As an example, lets say your Key Words are "Amazing Widgets", and your secondary Key Words are "Widgets that Sell", and your third alternative is "The best Widgets". First off, your Domain should reflect your Key Words if at all possible. Having your Key words in your domain is a Big plus, but not as critical as Key word content (I'll go over this later), so with these Key Words you would try to get a domain that is something like, www.widgets.com, or www. amazingwidgets.com, or www.widgetsthatsell.com. Get the idea! This is the first thing that search engines look for, it's what the Crawlers (the search engine robots) look for. But don't worry, even if your domain is something like www.whatever.com, there are ways to make the search engines find you and your product or service.

This is one of the 'Strong Foundation" areas I believe I have had great success with my SEO. On your desktop create new folders, one for your photos, one for your page elements (boxes. lines, buttons, etc.) and one for your content (text). I have found that it is very helpful to your SEO to name these folders, Pictures, elements, text files, with Your Key Words. So if your main Key Words are "Amazing Widgets", then name your photo folder, "Amazing Widgets photos", name your page elements folder "Amazing Widgets page elements" and your text folder, "Amazing Widgets content". You will also want to rename any files within that folder with the same heading. So, every file in your "Amazing Widgets photos" folder will start with "Amazing Widgets-Widget1", "Amazing Widget-Widget2" and so on. The same applies to all files in all folders for your site. This may be somewhat controversial, as far as effectiveness, but it works for me, sooo...! You see every time you put Anything on your web site, and I mean anything, a dot, a line, a photo, a text block, it all has a trace back to where it came from. So if your site is Amazingwidgets.com and your photo has a trace to a folder called "Amazing Widgets photos" and a file name of "Amazing Widgets-Widget1" then you have just created a line of Key Words that give your site relevance. All web sites are "Judged" by their Relevance to the Search terms used. You are simply using Very Strong building blocks for the foundation of your site.

OK, Time To Build (or re-build) your site! You can use any site building program that you are comfortable with. I use "Bluevoda" because, yes, the software is Free! The only draw back is I have to host my site with Bluevoda, ( 9.95/mo!), but I have to host it somewhere, and they have been an Excellent Host! Anywhere you decide to Host your site is fine, just keep in mind that hosting support is Amazingly important, so choose wisely!

This is just a "Basic" site configuration and you will have to do some research on how to implement any special effects, forms, buttons, etc. based on the software you use. You will start your site with your "index" page, this is your Home page, or Landing page, and must be named "index" not "Home page". Your headline is Extremely Valuable with SEO, so use a great one. Using the example above, I would use "Amazing Widgets That Sell!" You can see that I used two of your Key Word phrases in the headline ("Amazing Widgets" and "Widgets That Sell") Are you starting to see the importance of your Key Words! Then add a photo or some text (content). Let's assume your adding a photo, there are several things to add to this "Photo" that with get you found by search engines. First off, Always use the "Alternate Text" feature that All elements offer. That means anything you import, that is a image, box, line, border, etc. has the "Alternate Text" feature. Typically you will right click on the object and a box will appear, click on "Properties" and then "Alternate Text" and add a description. This is where you will be able to add more relevance to your site by implementing Key Words. Don't get silly here, just put in something like " Our Amazing widgets are the Best selling Widgets around". Use a different description for each element that has an "Alternate Text" feature. You can add the "Alternate Text" to almost everything on your site, a box, a line, an image. Don't forget this, it is a vital part of SEO.

So, now you have a Headline, a Photo and some content (text). This is the methodical part, Repeat this same process throughout your site. Every picture, every box, every imported item should have some sort of "SEO" implemented into it. This is all achieved by the basics of Folder Names, File names and utilizing the "Alternate Text" feature. It might sound like a lot, but after you get into the stream of things, it becomes as simple as signing your name on a letter. It's all about following the Search Engine Optimization rules of Engagement! Yes there is a lot more to SEO, but this will get you started on the right path to creating a web site that actually has Value and Relevance! After all, ALL search engines are about Value and Relevance. If you have no value, and no relevance (to the search) you don't exist!

In my next article I will go over some more tips that can help to make your site is a "Relevant" site to the search engines, and push you even closer to Page One! Once again I have to say that I am not a "Web Guru" just a small business that has managed to not just Survive, but to Grow in this amazingly difficult economic environment. I have done all for Free (with the exception of web site hosting) and my web site is why I'm still growing my business, and not closing it!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Diversify your Marketing

In today's market Diversification in abilities and products can not only keep you alive, but help you to thrive! It is my belief that to stay stagnant, only focusing on "it has worked for me in the past" type of mentality will not only put you at the Bottom of the list, but most likely put you out of business. The businesses that are thriving are the ones that diversify not only their products but their abilities and services.
Take a look at what is happening in the Internet world of Marketing. The choices are unbelievably Diverse! Are you taking advantage of the amazing amount of FREE marketing available to Any business! All you need is an internet connection and time and you can push your business to the next level. Internet marketing is where it's at today! If your not online, if your not Tweeting, Facebooking, Linked up with Linkedin, Blogging, etc. well let's just say that you WILL be left in the dust by those that are.
Marketing on the internet is not hard and you don't have to be a computer Guru to do it. What you do need is time, and plenty of it. Don't have the time? Then hire someone to do it for you, it Will pay for itself ten-fold! At the very least you should be spending 30-60 minutes a day focusing on online marketing. Think it's expensive, Wrong! Most of it is Free! I have over 24 web sites and only pay for one, and all of the Free sites direct traffic back to my paid for site (what do you think This article/blog is for!).
Diversify your marketing plan to include all aspects of your business. As an example I'll use myself. I am a Iron worker fabricator that specializes in custom gates, entrance design and automation, a very brief description, but it works for this. I use sites like Linkedin and Merchant Circle for business to business marketing since I install and service gate operators that a lot of business use. I also install the gates and security devices for gates, so that is what I push there. Just these two site alone drive at least 500 new visitors per month to my site! I use Facebook and Twitter to keep my followers informed on what I'm working on, and on any new projects that might be coming up. You never know when one of your "Friends" or "Followers" might need, or know someone that needs your product or service. I also use Wordpress, Article Niche and Ezine Articles to drive even more traffic to my site. I'm also am a member of several other sites that allow me to post pictures and link back to my web site all for Free! Sound like a lot? It is, but here I am in 2012 thriving in a business the has a very tight Niche, not to mention I live and work in a town with a population of just over 4000.
It has been my internet marketing, article writing, forum discussions and pure Diversity that has kept me alive in a market that has seen Many a businesses go by the way side. And I'm no computer Guru, I just believe in the phrase "You move towards what you focus on" (Anthony Robbins), and I am focused on thriving, not just surviving!