Holly Orbs

Holly Orbs
Created for the North Carolina Arboretum's Holly Garden

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Increase Property Value and Interest

  You've decided to develop a property, you have the land, you've platted the property, acquired the proper permits, now what. Well, in order to sell your property, you will need to create interest in that property. One of the best ways to do that is to have an entrance to the property that makes your future clients "want" to live there!
  The entrance should be exciting, warm and welcoming. Your future clients will want a sense of security (Gated community) with out feeling caged in. The hardscapes and landscapes should compliment and "Fit in" to the surrounding areas. You can also create interest by installing a custom gate that reflects the feeling of the community, beautiful stone work, bright and colorful landscaping that "Shows off" year round, hardscapes and/or water features that tie the property into the natural surroundings, these are the kind of attributes that get properties not only noticed but "Sold"!
  People more and more are looking for Security. There are many properties that offer a "Gated Community", so there are many to choose from. By having an Inviting, beautiful entrance you not only increase the property value, but you increase traffic and interest to Your property. You want your prospective buyers to feel secure in there new home, but not locked in. By having beautiful hard scapes, attractive lighting, interesting landscaping and not to mention a custom gate that enhances the property without giving off that "Keep Out" feeling.
  Remember most of all you are trying to sell your property, satisfy your clients and create an atmosphere of "Welcome Home!".